It would not surprise me if you view the information about to be presented to you skeptically. I certainly did when it was first presented to me a little over 40 years ago and for some time after that. Time and events have removed every bit of that skepticism however. Based on my experience perhaps I can offer a suggestion on how you might proceed. Assume that what you are about to read is a fantasy, one that would really be wonderful if only it were true.

Since fantasies are boundless you should put aside a portion of your belief system and knowledge based on your past experiences temporarily so that I might construct this fantasy accurately. Once you have the basics before you I will describe an action you can take that will enable you to start a process of discovery that will lead you to the realization that this is not a fantasy at all but actually is our true and perfect reality.

This fantasy begins with a redefinition of who we are. From an early age I was told that human beings are the most intellectually developed species on the planet and as such we have been charged with the enrichment and protection of everything around us. This mandate was generated by the human ego in the earliest civilizations and although its goal is admirable it’s based on a faulty premise. Humans may be the most intellectually developed species on this planet but we are not the most intellectually developed beings. In this fantasy every single person that has ever or will ever exist has a spiritual companion with them at all times. The sole purpose of the spiritual companion is to provide their human companion with spiritually based guidance in all things all of the time. And although this spiritual guidance is always true and correct the human companion has the right of choice to accept or reject this guidance.

All spiritual companions in this fantasy are identical to each other so I’ll describe mine to you so that you’ll know exactly what yours is like. My spiritual companion has unlimited love, tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and humility baked into every interaction it has with me. The guidance it provides me is never based on ego, prejudice, vanity, greed, hate, lies or indifference. In over 40 years my companion has consistently only told me truthful things that perfectly fit the moment. In short, my spiritual companion like yours is perfect in every way.

I wish I could say that I have always taken my spiritual companion’s advice but that would not be true. Sometimes out of fear or ego or some other human failing I consciously choose to ignore advice I’ve been given, advice that I know is correct and I go my own way. My companion does not reject or punish me when I choose my own path but rather understands and accepts my humanity, flaws and all. If there are lessons to be learned my companion helps me put those into perspective and then we move on together to whatever is next.

I have never seen my spiritual companion but I speak with and feel its nearness all of the time. I am so comfortable with its loving presence in my life that I choose to visualize it standing very close behind me with its head very close to mine. We speak, laugh and sometimes even cry with each other quite comfortably.

Eons ago while oblivious to our spiritual companion’s presence we mandated that we were superior to every other species. Our human ego convinced us that we must find a way to distinguish between each other so that a hierarchy among us might be established. We selected qualities and characteristics such as age, race, gender, looks, job, wealth, intellect, nationality, and many others to do the job. We have found unfortunately that when the importance of these insignificant descriptors are elevated artificially they stifle our existence and cause needless pain and suffering.

In my relationship with my companion I am truly the junior partner, selfish and self-centered, ego and fear driven much of the time. My senior partner is guided only by love and a sincere desire to help me with all things I encounter in life. This bond of a perfect spirit to an imperfect human forms the basis of our equality as beings one to another, not as human to human but as spiritual human to spiritual human.

In this fantasy world we are all truly equal. Our equality is based solely on the recognition that each of us has a perfect spiritual companion with us at all times, that my spiritual companion is identical to yours and that our primary purpose is to bring the wisdom and wealth of our spiritual companion’s guidance into whatever part of the world we inhabit. The human descriptors that we’ve relied upon up to now to differentiate between us are insignificant. Each of them represents nothing more than a portion of the ‘packaging’ of our finite human state.

Our bodies are the vehicle that carry our spiritual companion around. Our unique ‘packaging’ is valuable and necessary so that the spiritual gifts each of us receives may be distributed in every corner of this world, especially in places I myself might be unwilling to go. In this fantasy world we are all equal because of our shared spirit and purpose and we are all valuable because of our individual packaging. I should also add that in this fantasy world we have the ability to create heaven on earth. Collectively human beings guided by their spiritual companion simply have to install it.

If you’re interested in joining this fantasy world a good start would be to try and improve contact with your spiritual companion. To get started it’s helpful if you believe you do have a spiritual companion or at a minimum may have one. In reality we have all been communicating with our spiritual companion every day of our lives. I communicate on a conscious level via my thoughts and my companion communicates to me the same way, through my thoughts. The difference between us is that my spiritual companion hears all of my thoughts. I consciously hear only a portion of what my spiritual companion says to me. The spiritual thoughts I do hear I’ve been known to describe in the past as something that ‘just popped into my head’ or ‘came to me out of the blue’ or when my ego gets involved I might have said something like ‘I just had a great idea’. The communications from my spiritual companion that I don’t hear consciously I experience more as ‘inspiration’, I feel I should do this or I think I should go that way. I will say that my ‘hearing’ has improved over these past 40+ years and yours will too.

Prior to the day I first really heard my spiritual companion speak to me I had spent the previous 8 years knowing that some undefined power was guiding me. The directions at that time were more of an inclination or feeling to go a certain way or do a certain thing. But this particular day I was jogging and meditating with my spiritual companion about a decision I had to make for a fund raising event I had been put in charge of. The decision concerned what type of event it should be. I had done research for almost a year on different styles of events and locations where they might be held but none of them seemed to fit what was needed. I had to make a decision soon and I had no idea what to do. I voiced all of that through my thoughts to my spiritual companion and then I immediately let my mind get really quiet and I listened. I was in that runner’s high zone where my body’s muscles were loose and warm, my breathing was not labored and my mind was perfectly quiet. Immediately after I finished stating my problem I heard three words clearly and distinctly which described a style of event and even identified the location where the event should be held. The only missing piece of the puzzle was when to have the event so again I asked that question. I then heard the perfect date. Both of these communications to me were crisp and clear yet very softly spoken. If my mind had not been quiet I might not have heard them.

The event was held as directed and was a complete success. What made what I heard while jogging so remarkable was that I had not considered either the style of event or date suggested to me during the entire year I was researching it. I had visited the location but rejected it because the event I was considering would not work well there. The important point I want to make here is that I was able to truly hear my spiritual companion’s words because my mind was extremely quiet. I asked my question and then I stopped thinking. Normally I might ask my question and then immediately begin to try and answer it myself. That time I just asked it and then I listened, truly listened.

This is what I would suggest to you when attempting to communicate with your spiritual companion for the first time. Find a time and place where you are by yourself and you are relaxed and at peace. Know that as you attempt to communicate you are not alone but rather with the most perfect partner and friend you could ever have. Your spiritual companion is kind and loving and only wants to guide you through life in the most perfect way possible. Whether you are sitting or standing understand that your spiritual companion is intimately close to you, close your eyes, be at peace and softly say only in your thoughts words to this effect, “Thank you for always being with me, for protecting and guiding me all my life. I am ready to work closer with you from now on.” Take note of what you feel and what you hear in response to your thoughts.

This is when your journey from fantasy to reality actually begins. This is where you start your conscious transition from a simple human being to a spiritually guided one or put another way, from human to span.

Know that love has always been and always will be with you. Constantly seek time and opportunity to share your spirit and your love everywhere you travel and you will discover that you do in fact have the ability to install heaven on earth…

Love to you both,


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